Judith McKay

Judith is a professional in vocational education and training (VET), known for her strategic thinking and problem-solving abilities. She has a track record of facilitating workshops, leading VET reforms, and developing workforce solutions. Her commitment to Northern Territory adult education and community service is demonstrated through her advocacy for essential skills training and her volunteer Continued

Wayne Litherland

Wayne held the position of ROMAC Northern Regional Chair for 5 years. He is a member of the Rotary Club of Rockhampton South and a retired valuer.

Minh Nguyen

Minh Nguyen has been a member of the Rotary Club of Keilor East, Victoria, D9800, since 1999. He was also a member of ROMAC in 2003-2006. Minh has a background in mechanical engineering and retired from his job as a project manager in 2022. Southern Region District Chairs District Name Email 9780 Desley Beechey  d9780chair@romac.org.au Continued

Anita Robinson

Anita has a nursing background and worked for many years in the Pathology industry. In 2001 she undertook a Marketing Sales certificate with a desire to enter the pharmaceutical industry as a sales professional working with health professionals to ensure the best patient outcomes. Her Rotary journey began in 1999 as a member of the Continued

Sandra Goldstraw

Sandra Goldstraw joined Rotary in 1999 with the Rotary Club of Ginninderra, becoming President in 2006 and three times subsequently. After learning about ROMAC, her Club hosted the first ROMAC child in Canberra. Sandra has been the District ROMAC chair since 2006. Being involved with ROMAC children fits perfectly with her career as a Registered Nurse Continued

Peter Garnett MBE

Peter Garnett joined Rotary Wellington in 2004, transferring to Rotary East Coast Bays in 2008 where he was President in 2011-12. At district level he has been Vice Governor, Assistant Governor, District Rotary Foundation Chair, District Club Visioning Chair and a District Trainer. In 2013 he was Group Study Exchange Team Leader to D3730, South Continued

Elizabeth Davis

Elizabeth has more than 35 years working within the ‘for purpose’ sector. Prior to establishing Human Foundations in 2006, her expertise was developed through managerial roles within the health, scientific, arts and disability sectors. Her career has provided many challenges and the opportunity to see many dreams full filled enabling organisations to grow providing additional Continued

Phil Cordery

PDG Phil Cordery joined Rotary in April 1991. He is currently a member of the Rotary Club of Southern Districts in District 9465 (Western Australia), where he is President in 2021-22. He was previously a member of The Rotary Club of Gosnells, where he served as President in 1995-96 and, as District Governor for the Continued