Operation transforms Christine’s life

From a very sick baby to a healthy child – what a difference ROMAC makes!

ROMAC’s 400th patient Andrea

Andrea was the 400th patient to be treated by ROMAC in Australia or NZ

Heart surgery patient Germaine recovers with a little help


Delightful 8-year-old Stancia is from the highlands in Goroka, PNG. She needed major corrective surgery for an ano-rectal fistula.

Her operation was performed in April 2024, followed by 7 minor surgeries, to finally close her stoma. This surgery has been life-changing for Stancia and her mother Hilda.

Haggai’s story

Little Haggai, a baby girl from a remote mountain village in Papua New Guinea, came to Australia in the arms of her mother for emergency treatment for a massive facial disfigurement in June 2024. She is one of many children from Oceania whose lives have been changed forever by the work of ROMAC.Ā 

It was an anxious and overwhelmed mother who brought her child to Australia, and a happy and confident one who returned home.

It was a little girl who had suffered since birth that arrived at Westmead Hospital, and a healthy one who departed.

That is the magic of ROMAC. Watch the video of Haggai’s story at https://bit.ly/3An6BiY.


Six-month-old Gabriella was treated in 2020 for a serious heart condition at Aucklandā€™s Starship Hospital in New Zealand. She recovered well from her surgery andĀ is now a happy, healthy child with a great future ahead.


Vinna’s journey

Vinna, from Vanuatu, first came to ROMAC in 2017 and followed a 2-year journey to repair a multiple fracture and infection of her right leg.

The final stages of treatment required the insertion of a plate to stabilise the bone graft and Vinna was due to have this plate removed in April 2020. Covid-19 intervened and the removal of the plate did not happen then. However, in November 2022 the plate was removed successfully..

Vinnaā€™s journey has not only included ROMAC but also the wider community of supporters including Fruits of the Pacific, Marine Reach Family Care Centre, Vanuatu and members of the apple industry who have continued to take an interest and support the treatment of Vinna. For more information, read her story in the December 22 edition of our E-News.

Vincent turns one

Vincent is a Solomon Islands patient who arrived in Australia as a two-month old requiring urgent surgery to correct a blockage between his oesophagus and his stomach. This meant he had to be fed via a catheter into the stomach.

Ten months later, after follow-up surgery, numerous hospital visits for day procedures, and constant monitoring by the doctors at the Centennial Hospital for Women and Children in Canberra, he is progressing. He is now able to take food orally and is putting on weight. Vincent celebrated his first birthday at a colourful party organised by Sandra Goldstraw and her District 9710 ROMAC team.

For an update, read the recent story on Vincent on the ABC News:Ā https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-10-26/solomon-islands-baby-receives-life-saving-surgery-in-canberra/12811130

ROMAC Australia
Mission Statement
ROMAC provides surgical treatment for children in Australia and New Zealand from developing countries from
our Pacific Region in the form of Life Giving and/or dignity restoring surgery not accessible to them in
their home country.

100Ā¢ in every $1
goes directly to giving life to a child

ROMAC is totally voluntary

There are no paid staff and the small administration expenses incurred are paid from another income stream.

Donate Now

Since 1988,
500+ children have been given life

ROMAC has assisted, through other means, over 1,000 children since inception

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