Board Members

Glenys Parton

Chair of the Board of Directors

Stephen Noble


Nigel Stewart

Medical Director

Mike Hetherington

Operations Director

Peter Garnett MBE

New Zealand Region Chair and Deputy Chair of the Board of Directors

Brendan Kenny


District Governor Representatives

Stephen O'Connell OAM

District Governor Representative

Ken Smith

District Governor Elect Representative

Regional Chairs

Wayne Litherland

Wayne Litherland

Northern Region Chair

Judith McKay

Northern Territory / Timor Leste

Phil Cordery

Western Region Chair

Elizabeth Davis

Central Region Chair

Anita Robinson

Eastern Region Chair

Sandra Goldstraw

ACT Region Chair

Peter Garnett MBE

New Zealand Region Chair and Deputy Chair of the Board of Directors

Minh Nguyen

Southern Region Chair

Regional Medical Consultants

Benjamin Reeves

Northern Region Medical Consultant

John Stirling

New Zealand Region Medical Consultant

David Croaker

ACT Medical Consultant

Michael Brydon OAM

Eastern Region Medical Consultant

Bernie Jenner OAM

Southern Region Medical Consultant

Dr Simon Towler

Western Region Medical Consultant

Operations Support Team

Richard Woodburn

IT Support

Sue Smith

New Zealand Operations Manager

Geoff Pownall

New Zealand Treasurer

Ian D'Arcy Walsh

Evaluation Consultant


Megan Marshall

Communications Editor and Project Manager

David Mayne

Marketing & Engagement Coordinator

Maggie Alexander

Maggie Alexander

Communications Coordinator

Medical Advisors

Gwenda Anga

PNG Medical Advisor

Ines Teodora

Timor-Leste Medical Advisor

Ram Raju

Fiji Medical Advisor

Orelly Thyna

Vanuatu Medical Advisor

Titus Nasi

Solomon Islands Medical Advisor

Specialist Medical Consultants

Has Gunasekera

Paediatrican - Children's Hospital at Westmead

Michael Plaister

Paediatrian - Sydney Children's Hospital